Meme: Saturday Special
Viw all my Saturday Special Posts
The Saturday Special Meme asks four questions each Saturday.
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Viw all my Saturday Special Posts
The Saturday Special Meme asks four questions each Saturday.
Categories Games That I Play
View My Photo Hunters Posts
About the Photo Hunt
The Photo Hunt is hosted by TN Chick. A theme is given each Saturday. Post a photo that best represents the theme. New and old photos welcome. Post photos from your personal collection and not photos obtained from the web (please, no clip-art). Just play along once a week by posting a photo for the said theme.
Categories Games That I Play
View All My Weekend Dog Blog Posts
Weekend Dog Blogging is hosted by Sweetnicks. She posts each week's participants on Sundays.
Categories Games That I Play
View All My Thursday Thirteen Posts
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Categories Games That I Play
View All My Wordless Wednesday Posts
About Wordless Wednesday
From the Host, Kdubs:
Many of you ask where this phenomena began, it was not with myself. Do not give me any credit. I simply just wanted to make a blogroll! I got the idea from Uisce, who on one wordless day snapped a pic from the phone and posted it. I saw his, joined in, and here we are . . . there are no rules with WW. Creativity and expression are your guide.
Categories Games That I Play
Read all my Ten on Tuesday Posts
The Ten on Tuesday meme provides a topic each week, and gives you a preview of what next week's topic will be.
See more Ten on Tuesday Lists
Categories Games That I Play
View all my Manic Monday Posts
Get your week started off blogging with Manic Monday.
Categories Games That I Play
IVF Cycle
√ 5/6/11 Start birth control pill √
5/13/11 Phone consult w Dr E re FET
√ 6/6/11 Last pill
√ 6/11/11 CD 1
√ 6/12/11 Day 2 blood/ultrasound
√ 6/12/11 Begin Estrogen shots (every 3 days)
√ 6/26/11 Lining Check
√ 6/26/11 Begin daily Progesterone shots
√ 7/1/11 Embryo Transfer
√ 7/2/11 Bedrest
√ 7/9 - 13/11 Negative HPT
√ 7/14/11 Beta 6.4
√ 7/19/11 Beta officially negative
Categories Trying to Make Another Baby
√ Mar2011 Ship sperm to fertility clinic
√ 4/8/11 Day 3 Blood/US 19 Follicles
√ 4/8-14/11 Ovarian Stimulation
√ 4/12/11 Stim Day 5 - 19 follicles
√ 4/13/11 Stim Day 6 - 24 follicles
√ 4/14/11 Stim Day 7 - 27 follicles
√ 4/15/11 Trigger Day - 28 follicles
√ 4/16/11 Antibiotic
√ 4/17/11 27 Eggs Retrieved
√ 4/18/11 19 Mature eggs - 12 2-cell embryos!
√ 4/19/11 2 5-cell / 10 4-cell embryos
√ 4/20/11 2 8-cell embryos transferred
√ 4/24/11 Three embryos frozen!
√ 4/25/11 8dpER Trigger shot gone
√ 4/25-30/11 Negative HPTs
√ 5/1 Spotting
√ 5/2 Day One
√ 5/5 Negative Beta
Frozen Embryo Transfer
Categories Trying to Make Another Baby
48 months - Height 37" Weight 35.6 lb
50 months - Height 37 3/4" Weight 37 lb
51 months - Height 37 7/8" Weight 37.6 lb
52 months - Height 38" Weight 38.8 lb
53 months - Weight 40 lb
53 months - Car seat faced forward
55.5 months - Height 39" Weight 39.8 lb
Categories Peeper's Progress
36 mos Height 35.5" / Weight 29.2 lb
36 mos Diaper-free in daytime
36 mos 8 days Sleeping in Big Girl Bed
36 mos 10 days Diaper-free fulltime
38 mos Officially Potty Trained!
45 mos Height 37.5" / Weight 34 lb
Categories Peeper's Progress
24 mos Weight 23 lb 8 oz (13th %ile) / 32 1/4" (13th %ile) / Head18 1/4" (20th %ile)
25-26 mos LL, LR, UR 2 yr molars
26 mos Using a few 2-word phrases
27 mos Speaking in sentences (sort of)
27 mos UL 2 yr molar
28 mos Talk talk talking!
Categories Peeper's Progress
99w1d Pooped in potty (we caught it)
Categories Peeper's Progress
94w2d Height 31" Weight 21 lb 4 oz
Categories Peeper's Progress
87w5d Crawled! (FINALLY!)
88w0d Did 6-piece shape puzzle
89w0d 15th Tooth (left lower canine)
90w1d Two cavities
90w1d Weight 20 lb 10 oz
Categories Peeper's Progress
83w1d Weight 20 lb 5 oz
83w1d 1st 2x Ear Infection
85w2d Tooth #14 Rt Lower Canine(?)
85w5d Weight 20 lb 8 oz
86w3d Weight 20 lb 9 oz
Categories Peeper's Progress
78w1d Weight 20 lb 2 oz / Height 29 3/4"
79w3d Stabbing & picking up food with fork
80w2d 13th Tooth - Rt Upper Canine
Categories Peeper's Progress
74w2d Weight 20 lbs
74w3d Standing up from sitting/lying (Finally!)
76w6d 12th Tooth - Left upper canine
Categories Peeper's Progress
70w3d Weight 20 lb 1 oz?
70w3d Echocardiogram "Perfect!"
70w4d 11th Tooth - Lower left lateral incisor
Categories Peeper's Progress
65w2d Height 29" / Weight 18 lb 10 oz / Head 17.5"
65w6d 7th Tooth - Right upper 1-year molar
66w3d 8th Tooth - Left upper 1-year molar
66w4d 9th Tooth - Right lower 1-year molar
68w0d 10th Tooth - Left lower 1-year molar
68w1d Weight 19 lb 5 oz???
68w1d Tyrosine level in normal range!
Categories Peeper's Progress
61weeks Doing great w/spoon
63w4d Blowing Kisses
64w0d 1st date night for Mama/Mommy
64w0d First vomit / stomach virus
64w0d First solo bath
64w3d Putting objects in containers
64w5d Ate with spoon & bowl
65w0d Mimicking a few non-word "words"
Categories Peeper's Progress
56w4d Walked across floor to dog food
56w4d Ate dog food
56w5d Walking across rooms!
57w0d Weight 18 lb 15 oz
56w4d Definitely signing "fan"
57w4d Walking, not cruising, along wall, etc
57w5d I say it's official. She's walking!
60w2d First ear infection
60w4d Allergic to Amoxicillin?
Categories Peeper's Progress
52w3d Weight 18 lb 11 oz / Height 27 1/4"
52w?d Trying to stand up, middle of floor
54w1d Met baby cousins!
54w4d Definitely waving "bye-bye"
54w2d Signing "fan" and "flower"???
54w5d Pulled up to standing w/ chair
55w2d Letting go, taking steps
55w3d Signing "gentle?"
55w5d Taking more steps. Very close!
56w?? Pointing with forefinger
56w3d Standing no-hands a lot!
Categories Peeper's Progress
48w0d Blowing bubbles in bathwater
49w6d 1st Big Girl Shoes Size 4W
50w0d Recognizes books by title
50w1d Waving at strangers in mall
50w4d Definitely cruising for real
51w1d Pulled up to standing (on Mama)
Categories Peeper's Progress
43w5d 1st Bee Sting :-(
44w0d 4th Tooth Rt Upper Central Incisor
44w6d Signed "Milk" (????)
45w0d 5th Tooth Left Upper Lateral Incisor
45w1d Signed "Eat"
45w2d Signed "dog" (?) Signed "cold" (????)
46w0d Signing "dog" on command
46w2d 6th Tooth Left Right Lateral Incisor
46w3d Signing "All Done" and "Milk"
46w4d 3rd Cold
Categories Peeper's Progress
39w2d Wt 16lb12oz / Ht 26.25" / HC 17.7"
39w2d Hemoglobin 9.4 (want 10-12)
40w0d First "Bababa"
40w3d Babadada etc
40w5d Second cold (2 days)
40w6d First Steps btw Mommy & Mama
42w4d "Pre-cruising" 1-2 steps
42w4d Mumumum (Not "Mama")
42w5d 3rd Tooth - top lt central incisor
42w5d First bubble bath
43w1d First Sign: "More"
Categories Peeper's Progress
35w0d Weight 15lb 13oz / ~15th %ile
35w0d Echocardiogram "Perfect"
35-36w-ish Sitting unsupported for real
35w5d Corn on the cob, Strawberry
36w2d-37w2d 1st trip w/just Mama
37w0d First Tooth Left Lower Central Incisor
37-38w-ish Walking holding an adult's hands
38w0d First swimming lesson
38w1d Second Tooth Right Lower Central Incisor
Categories Peeper's Progress
30w4d Weight 14 lb 4 oz / 6th %ile
31w0d French fry (just 1, no salt)
32w1d Eating from palm side of hand
32w3d Banging 2 objects together
34w0d Sitting unsupported - mostly
34w3d Trying to pull to standing
Categories Peeper's Progress
26w2d Wt 12lb14oz/Ht 24.5"/HC 15.9"
26w6d Banana
27w0d Ritz cracker
27w1d Broccoli
27w4d Carrot, Potato, Pot Roast
27w6d Sweet Potato, Avocado
28w1d Asparagus
28w2d Apple, Zucchini, Yellow Squash
28w3d Hummus, Watermelon
28w5d Turkey Sausage, Pasta, BBQ Sauce
29w0d Turkey, Ham, Green & Wax Beans
29w1d Cantaloupe
29w2d Rice, Beans, Corn
29w3d Chicken
29w4d Pork, Bread
Categories Peeper's Progress
22w1d Captopril 1 mg x 1/day
22w6d Last dose of Captopril!
24w0d Last dose of Lasix!
25w1d Weight 12 lb 7 oz
Categories Peeper's Progress
18w3d My first cold
18w5d Weight 10 lbs
20w0d VSD/ASD Repaired
20w0d Off Ventilator
20w1d Breathing room air
20w1d Allowed bottles (pedialyte, breast milk)
20w1d Allowed to be held!
20w2d Allowed to nurse!
20w2d Reached, took & shook rattle
20w2d Moved to Intermediate Care
20w3d Discharged from hospital
20w3d Captopril 1 mg 4x/day
20w3d Lasix .5 mg 2x/day
20w4d Weight 10 lb 7 oz (Mama's birthweight)
21w1d Captopril 1 mg 2x/day
21w1d Lasix .5 mg 1x/day
21w2w 4th Synagis (RSV) Shot
Categories Peeper's Progress
13w2d Slept "through the night"
13w4d Weight 8 lb 13 oz
13w4d Second Synagis (RSV) Shot
13w5d My first BlueState Dems Meeting
13w6d My first dog-walk
15w3d Heart hole not closing enough
15w4d Weight 9 lb 8 oz (2x birth wt!)
16w2d Finally got thumb in mouth
16w4d Open-heart surgery scheduled
Categories Peeper's Progress
9weeks Occassional Smiles
9weeks A couple of "coos"
9w2d First New Year's Eve
9w3d First New Year's Day
9w5d Texas Baby Shower
10w2d Lasix 4mgx2/Captopril 1.8mgx3
10w3d Weight 7 lb 12 oz
12weeks More smiles and coos
12w3 Laughed out loud
12w4d Captopril 2 mg x 3/day
12w4d VSD a bit smaller!!!
Categories Peeper's Progress
4w3d My First Thanksgiving
5w3d Increase Captopril to 1 mg @ 3/day
5w3d Weight 6 lb 1.5 oz
5w4d Nursed all afternoon/evening
5w5d Nursed all day
6w0d No bottles today!
6w1d Weight 6 lb 3.5 oz
6w2d Rolled front to back!
6w3d Nursed in public for the first time
7w0d Weight 6 lb 10.5 oz
7w1d First motel stay
7w2d Increase Captopril to 1.5 mg @ 3/day
8w0d Weight 7 lb 1oz / Length 20" / Head 13 3/4"
8w0d 1st Vaccines
8w1d Hole in heart unchanged
8w2d Weight 7 lb 2oz
8w2d 1st Synagis (RSV) Shot
8w3d My First Christmas
8w4d First Airplane Ride
Categories Peeper's Progress
0w0d 10/27/08 4:18 pm / 5 lb 4 oz? / 18 in
0w0d Apgar 1 min: 8 / 5 min: 9
0w0d Nursing a Bit
0w1d Newborn Screen / Hep B Vacccine
0w1d Supplement w/Some Formula
0w1d 4 lb 4 oz (Birthweight wrong?)
0w2d Nursing / Fingerfeed Breastmilk
0w2d Moved to Pediatric Ward
0w2d Blood Sugar Low (25/34) Glucose (69)
0w2d Weight 4 lb 3 oz (at Peds)
0w3d Jaundiced - Begin Phototherapy
0w3d Bottlefeed Breastmilk
0w3d Blood Sugars Low / Improving
0w3d Weight 4 lb 4 oz
0w4d Off Overhead Bililights
0w4d Blood Sugars Good / Stop Testing
0w4d Tyrosine High / Redo Newborn Screen
0w4d Heart Murmur Detected
0w4d Weight 4 lb 5 oz
0w5d Off All Bililights
0w5d Echocardiogram
0w5d Carseat Test - Passed
0w5d Weight 4 lb 6 oz
0w5d HOME!!!
1w0d Weight 4 lb 8 oz
1w0d Bilirubin Up a Bit
1w2d Ventricular Septal Defect Diagnosed
1w2d Bilirubin Down
1w2d Tyrosine Still Elevated
1w2d Weight 4 lb 11.5 oz
1w5d First train ride
1w4d Metabolic Specialist 99% Sure OK
2w0d Weight 4 lb 15.5 oz
2w2d Cardio: Weight Good; Breathing Fast
2w3d Begin Lasix 3 mg / day
2w3d Great job w/nursing today!
2w4d No indication of metabolic disorder
2w5d I have a belly button!
3w3d Increase Lasix to 3 mg / 2x day
3w3d Begin Captopril 0.5 mg / 3x day
3w6d Another great nursing day
4w1d Weight 5 lb 7 oz
4w1d A bit jaundiced?
Categories Peeper's Progress
27w0d Prebirth Order Granted
27w0d Glucose 147 at 26w4
Categories How to Make a Baby
13w1d 1st Trimester Tests all OK
14w0d Belly Feeling Firmer?
14w5d Quickening!
14w5d Bought 1st maternity clothes
14w6d Heartrate 145 bpm
15w0d Peeing alot more often
15w4d Moved to bigger jeans
15w6d Quad Screen - AFP Elevated
17w1d Peeper Is a Girl!!!
17w1d Heartrate 150 bpm
17w1d Measuring 16w2d
17w1d US Inconclusive for NTD
17w1d Single Umbilical Artery
18w1d Measuring 17w2d
18w1d No sign of NTD!!!
19w1d Feeling "flutters" more often?
19w4d Shrike feels Peeper move!
19w6d Heartrate 159 bpm
21w1d Measuring 19w6d
21w1d Peeper "looks like $1,000,000!"
24w0d Midwife says "Peeper is very happy"
25w1d Heart perfect, 1 lb 6 oz, 26th %ile
25w4d Wearing maternity shorts
Categories How to Make a Baby
0dp5dt/2w5d - 2 Blastocysts Transferred
3dp5dt/3w1d - Breasts very tender
5dp5dt/3w3d - Sleepy
6dp5dt/3w4d - Very Faint + HPT
7dp5dt/3w5d - Faint + HPT
7dp5dt/3w5d - Positive Digital HPT
8dp5dt/3w6d - Beta HCG 93
10dp5dt/4w1d - Beta HCG 214 (2x=40hrs)
12dp5dt/4w3d - Beta HCG 590 (2x=33hrs)
15dp5dt/4w6d - Beta HCG 2800 (2x=32hrs)
6w1d - US: One heartbeat / Measuring 5w5d
7w3d - US: Good heartbeat / 9 mm / 7w0d
8w2d - US: Arms! Heartbeat looks great!
9w0d - Very, very, very light spotting
9w1d - Still spotting a tiny bit
9w2d - No more spotting
9w3d - US: Legs! / 183 bpm / 2.47 cm / 9w1d
11w2d - US: Kicking Legs! / 4.39 cm / 11w4d
12w1d - NT Scan - Looking good!
Second Trimester
Categories How to Make a Baby
Wcd4 - Whozat Lupron Eval - "all quiet"
Wcd4 - Shrike Blood Work (FDA Panel)
Wcd4,7,10,13 . . . - Del Estrogen
Wcd5 - Shrike begin Lupron, Baby Aspirin, Doxycycline
Wcd5 - Whozat Doxycycline
Wcd7 - Shrike last birth control pill
Wcd7 - Shrike begin Lupron
Wcd10Scd1 - Shrike Day One
Scd2 - 41 Antral Follicles (R25/L16)
Scd2 - Lupron Eval - all good
Scd3 - Begin Gonal F / Menopur
Scd6sd4 - 31 Follicles (R18/L13) / E2 = 47.3
Wcd16 - Breasts tender
Wcd18 - Endo 13 mm / E2=468 / P4 < e2 =" 123" e2 =" 681" e2="957" e2="1351">18mm/E2=1687
Scd15sd13 - 24Follicles5>18mm/E2=1856
Wcd25 - Begin Daily Progesterone in Oil Shots
Scd17sd15ER - 15 Eggs Retrieved
1dpER - 13 Mature Eggs / 7 Fertilized
3dpER - 7 Embryos Biopsied for PDG
2dpER - 7 Embryos Dividing
3dpER - PGD1: 6 normal so far / 1 Trisomy 13
4dpER - PGD2: 3 normal so far, 3 Pending
4dpER - 1 Morula+ / 3 Morula / 1 Morula- / 1 Slow
5dpER - Final PGD - 5 Normal, 2 Abnormal
0dp5dt - 2 Blastocysts Transferred
3dp5dt - Cryo Report - No embryos frozen
3dp5dt/3w0d - Breasts very tender
5dp5dt/3w1d - Sleepy
6dp5dt3w3d - Very Faint + HPT
7dp5dt/3w4d - Faint + HPT
7dp5dt/3w4d - Positive Digital HPT
8dp5dt/3w5d - Beta HCG 93
10dp5dt/4w0d - Beta HCG 214
12dp5dt/4w2d - Beta HCG 590
15dp5dt/4w5d - Beta HCG 2800
First Trimester
Categories How to Make a Baby
Wcd1 - Whozat Day One
Wcd4 - Shrike Crazy Test (MMPI)
Wcd5 - Whozat begin birth control pills
Wcd6 - Pay attorney retainer
Wcd6 - Home equity line of credit first signing
Wcd11/Scd1 - Shrike Day One
Wcd11/Scd1 - Shrike/Whozat psych consult
Wcd12/Scd2 - Home equity line of credit second signing
Wcd14/Scd4 - Shrike begin birth control pills
Wcd14/Scd4 - Review draft donor egg agreement
Wcd19/Scd9 - Order Sperm - Popeye!
Wcd19/Scd9 - Finalize donor egg agreement
Wcd23/Scd13 -Whozat begin Lupron, baby aspirin
Wcd25/Scd15 -Whozat last birth control pill
Wcd29/Scd19 -Whozat Day One - Begin IVF Cycle
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd1 - Begin Mock EEP Cycle
cd2 - First Estrogen Ass-Shot
cd5, 8, 11 - Del Estrogen Injections
cd12 - Lining Check / Bloodwork
cd14, 17, 20, 23 - Del Estrogen Injections
cd15-23 - Daily Progesterone Injections
cd16-? - My Butt Hurts!
cd 22 - Receive big-ass check from my parent
cd24 - Endometrial Biopsy
cd24 - Consult w/Dr E
cd24 - Shrike Pap/Blood/Urine
cd24 - Pay IVF Fee
cd 26 - Consult with Attorney
cd26 - Spotting
cd27 - Spotting
cd29 - Begin Sync Cycle
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd1 - Begin IUI Cycle #5
cd2 11 Antral Follices (6R / 5L)
cd3 - 7 Clomid 100 mg
cd 5, 7, 9 FSH 150 IU
cd9-10 Mild ovarian pain (right side)
cd11 Uterine Lining 10.6 mm
cd11 3 Follicles > 15mm (1R/2L)
cd11 FSH 150 IU
cd13 Uterine Lining 10.7mm
cd13 4 Follicles > 18 mm (1R/3L)
cd 13 HCG Triggering Shot
cd14 IUI #1 (Sperm = 10 million)
cd15 IUI #2 (Sperm = 12 million)
cd16 Begin Prometrium 2x daily
cd21 / 6/7dpIUI Very mild nausea
cd22 / 7/8dpIUI HPT Neg (trigger gone)
cd23 / 8/9dpIUI Breasts tender
cd24 / 9/10dpIUI HPT Neg (too early)
cd25 / 10/11dpIUI HPT Neg (still early)
cd26 / 11/12dpIUI HPT Neg (still early)
cd27 / 12/13dpIUI HPT Negative
cd28 / 13/14dpIUI HPT Negative
cd29 / 14/15dpIUI HPT Negative
cd30 / 15/16dpIUI Beta HCG Negative
Begin Mock EEP Cycle
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd3 24 Antral follicles (R 14 / L 10)
cd3-7 Clomid 50 mg
cd3-7 Mild headaches
cd7 Mild ovarian twinges
cd7 & 9 FSH 150 iu
cd11 Ovidrel Shot
cd11 3 Follicles - 20 mm, 18 mm, 15 mm
cd12 IUI (sperm = 8 million)
cd13 IUI (sperm = 12 million)
cd17/5-6dpIUI Mild left side pain
cd18/6-7dpIUI Mild left side pain
cd20/8-9dpIUI HPT Negative (trigger gone)
cd20/8-9dpIUI Mild right side pain
cd24/11-12dpIUI HPT Negative
cd25/12-13dpIUI HPT Negative
cd26/13-14dpIUI HPT Negative
cd27/14-15dpIUI HPT Negative
cd28/15-16dpIUI Beta HCG Negative
Begin IUI Cycle #5
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd3 - Day 3 Ultrasound - 6 Antral Follicles (3 R / 3 L)
cd3 - Clomid 50 mg
cd4 - Clomid 50 mg
cd5 - Clomid 50 mg
cd6 - Clomid 50 mg
cd7 - Clomid 50 mg
cd7 - No Clomid side effects yet
cd7 - FSH Injection 150 iu
cd9 - FSH Injection 150 iu
cd11 - Uterine Lining 10.7 mm
cd11 - 2 Follicles - L: 17.1 mm / R: 15.1 mm
cd11- FSH Injection 150 iu
cd12 - Ovidrel (HCG triggering shot)
cd13 - Still no side effects
cd14/o-day - IUI (sperm = 18 million)
cd14/o-day - Mild left side pain
cd15/1dpo - Start Prometrium
cd15/1dpo - Brief right side pain
cd16/2dpo - HPT false positive (trigger)
cd17/3dpo - HPT false positive (trigger)
cd18/4dpo - HPT false positive (trigger)
cd19/5dpo - HPT false positive (trigger)
cd20/6dpo - HPT negative (trigger gone)
cd23/9dpo - HPT negative
cd23/9dpo - Intermittant mild cramps
cd25/11dpo - HPT negative
cd26/12dpo - HPT negative
cd27/13dpo - HPT negative
cd28/14dpo - HPT negative
cd29/15dpo - HPT negative
cd29/15dpo - Beta HCG negative
cd29/15dpo - Stop Prometrium
Begin IUI Cycle #4
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd2 - Day "3" Ultrasound - 10 Antral Follicles (4 R / 6 L)
cd12 - Day 12 Ultrasound - 1 Follicle (L - 19 mm)
cd12 - Uterine Lining 15 mm
cd12 - LH Surge (35)
cd12 - Ovidrel Shot
cd13/o-day - IUI (sperm = 10 million)
cd13/o-day - Mild cramping
cd14 / 1dpo - Start Prometrium
cd14/1dpo - Mild uterine twinges
cd14/1dpo - HPT false postive (trigger)
cd15/2dpo - HPT false postive (trigger)
cd16/3dpo - Sleepy
cd17/4dpo - HPT false postive (trigger)
cd18/5dpo - Grumpy / Sensitive
cd19/6dpo - HPT false positive (trigger)
cd20/7dpo - Breasts tender
cd20/7dpo - HPT negative (trigger gone)
cd20/7dpo - Mild cramping
cd21/8dpo - HPT negative
cd22/9dpo - HPT negative
cd23/10dpo - HPT negative
cd24/11dpo - HPT negative
cd24/11dpo - Breasts more tender
cd25/12dpo - HPT negative
cd26/13dpo - HPT negative
cd27/14dpo - HPT negative
cd28/15dpo - HPT negative
cd28/15dpo - Beta HCG negative
cd28/15dpo - Stop Prometrium
cd30/17dpo - Start Cycle #3
Categories How to Make a Baby
cd1 - Begin Cycle #1
cd2 - "Day 3" Ultrasound / Labs - 15 Antral Follicles (6 R / 9 L)
cd12 - Day 12 Ultrasound - 1 Follicle (L - 15.5 mm)
cd13 - Insurance Pre-Approval (finally!)
cd14 - Day 14 Ultrasound / Labs - 1 Follicle (L - 18.4 mm)
cd14 - LH Surge
cd14 - HCG Triggering Shot
cd15 - Left side twinges
cd16/O-day - IUI (sperm = 16 million)
cd16/O-day - Mild left side cramping
cd16/O-day - Moderate uterine cramping
cd17/1dpo - Begin Progesterone
cd18/2dpo - Sleepier than normal?
cd19/3dpo - Sleepy and grumpy
cd22/6dpo - Sensitive to smells?
cd22/6dpo - Still grumpy
cd26/10dpo - Slept all freaking day
cd29/13dpo - Very mild cramping
cd30/14dpo - Cramping
cd30/14dpo - Negative HPT
cd31/15dpo - Beta HCG = 14.5 (Very low positive)
cd32/16dpo - Very mild cramping
cd33/17dpo - Very mild cramping
cd34/18dpo - Beta HCG Negative
cd34/18dpo - Stop Taking Progesterone
cd35/19dpo - Spotting
cd36/20dpo - Heavier spotting
cd37/21dpo/cd1 - Start Cycle #2
Categories How to Make a Baby
√ RE Initial Consultation
√ Start Prenatal Vitamins
√ Request Nephrologist Consent
√ Reorder Sperm for 1st IUI
√ Shrike Tested for STDs (WTF?)
√ Take Antibiotics
√ RE Consent Forms
√ Psych Consult w/Dr. T
√ Start Cycle #1
Categories How to Make a Baby
Preliminary Testing
Cycle #0
RE Testing & More
IUI Cycle #1 - Began July 4, 2007
IUI Cycle #2 - Began August 9, 2007
IUI Cycle #3 - Began September 7, 2007
IUI Cycle #4 - Began October 9, 2007
IUI Cycle #5 - Began November 8, 2007
Mock EEP Cycle - Began December 15, 2007
Sync Cycle - Began January 12, 2008
IVF Cycle - Began February 8, 2008
First Trimester - "Began" February 20, 2008
Categories How to Make a Baby
√ Begin Cycle #0
√ Order Sperm for 1st IUI
√ Pee on OPK Sticks
√ No LH Surge - WTF?
√ Send Sperm Back to Freezer
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Categories How to Make a Baby
Peeper Can Say...
By 10 months: Mama/Mommy (mama / mumum)
By 13 months: Yum Yum? (mumumum)
By 16 months: Baby (baah-buh), Doggy (duhgeeduhgee), (Monkey says) Oo-oo, (Doggy says) ah-ah, Eye (aahh - while pointing at eyes), Night-Night (ni-ni), (Kitty says) Meow (ee-yahw), Apple (hhhaa-puh)
By 17 months: Hot (hh-hh), Here (heh), (Elephant says) Ahhhh, (Lion/Tiger says) Roar (ruuh), Up (uppa!), Toes (tissss)
By 18 months: (Sheep says) Baa, Papa (Shrike's dad - papa), Bird? (bah), Water? (wadoo), Panda? (paah-puh), Eena (Shrike's mom - iiii), Grandma (Anonymama - mamaw), Grandpa (Anonydaddy - gapop), (Or, "Grandma and Grandpa" is "mamawmapop"), There she is (dershis - in response to "Where's Mama?"), Kitty (key or yetty), Cat (kaht), (Bear says) Grrr (ghhh), Yuk (yechyech), Knock-knock (na na), Goody?
By 19 months: (Duck says) Quack Quack (wac wac), (Seal says) Ark Ark (ar ar), (Pirate says) Arrrr (ar - much like the seal), (Cow says) Moo? (ok, what she really says is "caaaahhow"), Ball?, Hi, Ice Cream (hhh-khkh - very gutteral, not spellable)
By 20 months: Target (Tsch - yes, the store), Dog (da), Panda (daaah-duh), Tickle (tika-tika-tika), Grandma-Grandpa/Pappy (pahpuhpahpuh - anyone with gray hair!), Mommy (mee-mee - Shrike), (Wolf says) Howl (Ah-oo, ah-oo), (Owl says) (well, also ah-oo, because there's a book with the wolf and owl back-to-back, and she's confused), Dead (did)
By 21 months: Ice (eye-ta), Elmo (eh-mo - Refers to all Sesame Street characters, or anything red or with big bulging eyes), Popcorn (Bop!), Ow (ah-oo), (Santa says) Ho, ho, ho, (oh oh oh), Egg (heh-guh), Schnauzer (shna-za), Tent (tituh), Kite (khka)
By 22 months: Bye-Bye (dah-dah), Two (tah), (Frappa's real name - she goes nuts when she sees her profile pic on Facebook!), (Pig says) Grunt (it's an actual grunt), Duck (daahk), Toesies (or Tootsies? Something to do with her feet) (Tuh-tah), Blood (bleeh!), Yellow (yehyoh), Pump (pup)
By 23 months: Shrike's niece's first name, Lobster (lala), Cake (keh-kah), Ernie (uh-neh), Onion (nn-yuh), Football (foo-buh), Moon (muh-muh), Peanutbutter (puhbuh), Bo-Bo Bear (bo-bo). Ladybug (lala), (Bell)Pepper (pehpuh), Blue (bwoo - points to blue things and says it), Six (siss - seems to know that it comes after five), Bravo (bahbo), Pumpkin (puhpah), Hop (hop!), Bee (deeee), Helicopter (hoppuh), Purple (puhpuh), Burt (Dit), Boom (boo!), Humpty Dumpty (dit-tee dit-tee), Green (geee), Pink (pik), Hexagon (hepuh), Thank you (fayfew), Beep (beep), Boop (boop - touch nose, then say Frappa! because she taught it to her), Dirt (dit), Bubbles (buhbuh), Thumper (fthuphuh - the bunny in Bambi), Perfect Pup's name, Her Own First Name - when asked "What's your name?" BigGaloot's name, Boat (bit), Hat (haht), (Rooster says) cockadoodledoo (eh eh eeh-ehh), Help (hep - when she needs help, or hears a siren), Stop (sop - "reads" it printed on the parking lot), (Witch says) Cackle (laughs), (Ghost says) Wooo (ooo), Step (swep), Texas (teh-tuh), Happy Birthday (hahduh), Dip (bip), Towel (tohw), Eight (ah), Nine (nin), Ten (teh), Silly (sih-ee), Seriously (sis-see)
By 24 months: Happy (hoppy), Poop (poop), Bottle (bohbul), Orange (oh), Cracker (pah-puh), Paper (pehpuh), Coffee, Empty (ippy), Pillow, Halloween (hahdee), The Anonygrandparents' cats names, Night-night (nah nah), Water (wawa), Hole (hoew), Dark (dit), No (naah), Elbow (behbow), Pee-pee (peepee) Oscar the Grouch (dot-duhm with "stinky" sign), Abby Cadabby (Babby), Bowl (bow), Wet (fwet), DaNiece and Daphew's names, Cup (bup), Hat (hap), Uh-oh (uh-uh), Sleepy (sweepeh), Lid (lih), (Turkey says) Gobble gobble (bob-bob-bobuh), (Skeleton says) Rattle rattle (rauhrauh), (Zombie says) Braaaaiiins (bwaaay), Potty (pobby), ABC (ay ee ee), Man (myan myan), Lady (lala), Ball (bahw), Tail (tuhl), Sunshine (shuweh), Sit (shit - but I swear she means "sit!"), Pump (pup pup), Rock (wock), Brown (bow), White (woaw), Watermelon (wauhmeyom), Eat (ate), See Ya (seesah), Sweep (fweep), Yippee (hyiPEE), Boppy (bop), Drop (bop), Buddy (bobby), Hello? (Hi ya - or maybe she means "Hi Ya!"), Sock (fwok), More (moaw), Please (peez), Slide (lide), Again, Hair (hayow), Slide (swy), Again, Fur (fuew), Love o'Pete (Pete!), Crap (Bap!), Mailman (myauw myauw), Snowman (myauw myauw), Merrily Merrily... (mehwly mehwly), Eena (eena - Shrike's mom), Cow (caaooow), (Cow says) Moo (mooo), Santa Clauas (hum-humma), (Santa says) Ho Ho Ho (huh huh huh), Trick or Treat (titah), Lips (lihps), Arm (ahum), Leg (leh), Back (bap), Booty (di-dee), Ear (eah), Eye (eye), Nose (mow), Octopus (oppuh), Hanger (huhmuh)
Peeper Can Sign...
By 10 months: More
By 11 months: All done, Doggy
By 12 months: Goody (milk)
By 13 months: Hello/ByeBye (wave), Fan, Hooray (clap), Flower, Gentle, Points
By 14 months: Help, Stinky, Bird, Cold, Duck, Bubbles, Hat, Hair, Mouth, Bunny, "Here's Peeper!" (hands up)
By 15 months: Snow, Frog, Baby, "I Don't Know" / "Where Is It?" (big shrug), Car, Ball, Blow Kisses, No, Swing, Book, Bath, Nose, Tummy, Eye, Brush Teeth
By 16 months: Cup, Brush hair, Shoes, Tiger, Elephant, Train, Apple (complete with chomping sound!), Phone, Sleepy, Cookie (Animal cracker)
By 17 months: Pee-pee, (Graham) Cracker, Ear, Feet, Toes, Bear, Knock-Knock (on her head!), Alligator, Horse
By 18 months: Chicken, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, Cheerios, Raisin, Cheese, Donkey, Booty, Diaper, Legs, Please, Thank you, Hurt
By 19 months: Cry, Play, Outside, Hush, Splash (signs it like "wash" but definitely means "splash"), Banana, Yuck, Peanut(butter), Donkey, Whale, Butterfly
By 20 months: Butterfly / other flying insect, Binky (BabyJ's), Shoulder, Heart, Scar, Knee, Elbow, Tail (dogs/cats), Fly (bug), Firefly, Turtle, (Sun)Glasses, Yes
By 21 months: (I) Love (you), Hippo / Tooth Check Time!, Ladybug, Penguin, One, Two, Five
By 22 months: Giraffe, Fall Down / Upside Down, Octopus, Parachute (shoes), Stretch, Pumpkin (cookie)
By 23 months: Seymour ("more"), Triangle, Big Bird ("bird"), Cookie Monster ("cookie"), Face / Makeup (same sign), Ankle, Jacket
By 24 months: Kermit the Frog ("frog")
Categories Baby Signs, Baby Talk