Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Work Plans

So, tomorrow I'll give ED1 my letter of resignation, and it will be official that I won't be returning to my current job after Peeper is born.

Yesterday, I did a bit more checking on the online teaching position that I'm eyeing. I was told that they wouldn't be hiring until late August or early September, but it seems that the online application is available now.

I need to update my resume, and write a cover letter, and get that submitted as soon as I can.

The job listing had some additional information that I'd not seen before - some good, some not-so-great.

They ask for a commitment of at least 10 hours / week, which is fine, but during the "peak months" of October - February, they require that at least eight of those hours be evenings (5 - 9 pm).

That could be a little tricky, as Shrike will be at work during those hours, and I'll be all alone with Peeper. I'm thinking that I'll need to squish those eight hours into two evenings, and make arrangements to not be alone with her those evenings.

Maybe Shrike's mom can help out those nights? (She was offering to watch her a day or two a week, if I'd gone back to work.) And maybe I could go to all mornings after February? I'm sure we'll figure something out.

The better news is that it says that they "also offer a part-time employee benefits package including medical and dental coverage." No information on how many hours / week is required to qualify for that, or what the cost - or coverage - would be like, but it sounds promising!

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