Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Daily Peep: Curly Girlie

This is what her hair does when it gets wet. I think she's going to need to some gel to make it stay that way when it's dry though.


  1. eyes open!! I can't get over how amazingly lucky we are to get such a super beautiful baby. Unprejudiced opinion, of course.

  2. I'm diggin' the hairdo!!! Shrike, you should try that! :)

  3. Whozat probably wishes I did. I have a Dutch boy haircut now. Insert dyke joke here. The photos we took of you got deleted before we went to get our haircuts. The deleter has been appropriately punished. Do you have any good photos you could e-mail us?

  4. I have a million photos.. I'll send some. :)

  5. please email me your regular email addie..

  6. DM - Thank you!

    Is that creepy that she wants to copy your haircut?

    But it's soooo cute!

    Anonymama - You know, it's a good thing none of your other, non-super-beautiful babies are reading this, they might take offense.

    Oh, wait . . . .

  7. It's actually very flattering.... in a good way. Not in the "Single White Female" way. If that was the case I'd be callin' the cops. And, as much as I love Shrike, her hair needs a little somethin' somethin'. :)

  8. I really like our hairdresser, and I like my "little boy haircut" / "spikey-dykey do" (although Shrike doesn't so much) but I tend to think Shrike's right, when she say that D has just "given up on cutting (her) hair."

    Of course, Shrike won't complain to her, so I'm left being the one saying, "Can you take millimeter off right here. . . ?"

  9. LOL! Jodi's been getting her hair cut by the same person for about 25 years or so. Even though there's not much she can do with J's curly mop she still never cuts it quite right so I'm always telling her to ask her hairdresser to cut pieces off here and there. LOL I feel your pain!


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