Monday, March 24, 2008

We're On a Roll!

My beta today is 2800, which means that it's continuing to rise at a doubling rate of just under 36 hours, which is great.

That's the last beta, and I'm scheduled for my first obstetric ultrasound next Wednesday - April 2.

That will be the first of three, before I am released from the Reproductive Endocrinologist to my regular OB.

To be honest, I'd feel more comfortable if we were doing some more betas in the interim, just because I'd like that reassurance that it's continuing to rise, but I guess I'll just have to count on the exhaustion and ouchy boobies to keep me from completely losing my shit over the next nine days until we get to take a peek and see what's actually going on in there.


  1. Ruh roh, watch out for those April Fool's Day ultrasounds! :D

  2. YAY!! Do those number indicate more than one peep? It seems like your numbers are quite the rising star. Yay!!

  3. I hear you on the reassurance. I hated the time after my first internal u/s and between appointments where we could hear the heartbeat. It did get better once we could feel the little people in there moving around but man, this is just the start of the worrying. You've got a lifetime of it ahead of you. ;-)
    I'm so glad that everything is looking so great. I can't wait to hear if there is more than one little one in there growing! How exciting.

  4. I don't know whether to be insanely excited or terrified. I am equal parts both and I think there is nothing that could measure the level of either. I thank everyone for the nice thoughts, concern and well wishes. I never knew this would send me so over the moon. Thank you all.

  5. Having a baby is like getting married. If you are not terrified, you don't understand the seriousness of the occasion. But it is worth it. Really.

  6. LK - Actually, the ultrasound will be April 2; I was a bit calendarily challenged earlier. I have promised Anonymama that there will be no fake ultrasound reports. As she says, "God punishes you for lying to your Mama!"

    MDBabyMaker - Could be. I asked the nurse, and she says that my numbers are "on the bubble" between what's to be expected for one or for two, and she'd give us 50/50 odds. (I think that was our odds going in!)

    Given that Dr E said that PGD babies can start slowly, I'm tending to think it could be two, but trying to think in terms of one, so I'm not disappointed if that's the case.

    Shrike is trying to think in terms of two, so she's not too freaked out if that's the case.

    LiPA - Anonymama tells me that I will never relax again. Ever.

    Shrike - I couldn't have said it better, myself.

    Jason - WTF? Or maybe I should check that out. We sure could use the money.

    Anonymama - I think I first heard you say that about a zillion years ago, but I quote it all the time. I guess I must have a pretty good grasp on seriousnesses of occassions, because I was terrified when we got married, and I'm terrified now.

  7. Well, that does make me feel somewhat better because getting married to Whozat turned out, so ... except for all the garble she is quoting me right now. Shrike, blah, blah, blah, blah (from Of everything she said, I understood yolk sac. EEEEEEWWWWWWW

  8. I'm waiting to hear and so excited for you!

  9. Hi! You're just a couple of days further along than me... we're so excited and scared. (First thought: FINALLY! Second thought: WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!?) My partner is being cutely ridiculous with the coddling and the talking to the belly already.

    I'll be checking in as our pregnancies progress!!



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