Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ten on Tuesday #27

Ten Things to Do Before You Get Married

  1. Graduate from college.
  2. Live on your own.
  3. Go on a great vacation with friends.
  4. Figure out your sexual orientation.
  5. Grow up.
  6. Date someone who is completely wrong for you, so you can really appreciate Ms. or Mr. Right.
  7. Have a job that involves a lot of travel, because you won't want to do that once you have someone to come home to later.
  8. Spend money on stupid frivolous things, because there's nobody to hurt but yourself.
  9. Fall in love.
  10. Meet your intended's family, and become a part of it.

Learn More About Ten on Tuesday


  1. Well, speaking from the *first* time I got married 2 out of 10 isn't bad. I so totally had the date someone who is completely wrong for you down. That was the guy/girl before I got married....Guess I get an "f" in this one.

  2. As you will all attest, I am a do it right fuddy duddy. I got all but 7 and 8, although on 6 I never came close to marrying one of the totally wrong for me ones.

  3. I'm still working on number 5 LOL

  4. Okay, so I didn't do three of those things but we are doing alright so far. Knock on wood. ;-)


What say you?