Sunday, February 10, 2008

So, What's the Grossest Thing You've Seen Today?

Warning, graphic images below!

Overheard at Our House, A Few Days Ago

Shrike: When you get home, it may smell like BigGaloot rolled in something dead. There's a reason for that.

Whozat: Ew, what was it?

Shrike: Well, I know it was a groundhog, because it had a groundhog head, and groundhog feet, but everything in between was unrecognizable.
Overheard at Our House, Yesterday
Shrike: He rolled in the same dead groundhog again. And I think he brought home a leg. It might be in our backyard. So, you know, don't let them bring anything in.

Whozat: You let him bring it home?!?

Shrike: Well, I wasn't going to take it away from him!
Spotted On Our Fucking Bed, Today
(Scroll down for the gross pictures! You've been warned!)

I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure this is a groundhog foot.
At least he put it on her side of the bed!

Update, Moments Ago
I just let the dogs inside, for the first time after finding and disposing of the body part. Galoot headed straight to the bedroom, and . . .

Now, I know I left that thing here somewhere . . . .


  1. Oh. My. God. That is the most disgusting thing I've seen in a very long time.


    So, who got the job of removing the offending item from the house? Or, did you just get big galoot to take it back out???

  2. Shrike is at work this evening, so I had to deal with it.

    (She will probably learn about it here!)

    I got a grocery bag and scooped it up without touching it.

    Then I tied up the bag, and put it in a trashbag in the garage.

    Ew, ew, and EW!!!

  3. ROFL, too funny about him looking for it.
    Uh, sorry Shrike is at work (lucky you, Shrike). Sounds like she missed a fun job.

  4. Yep, you should've seen me running for the camera, grabbing the card from the reader, hoping he'd not given up yet!

    And, Shrike was none too happy about working this evening, but I think she might be feeling better about it now.

    Or, at least, she will when she reads this.

  5. No, I would rather have been here to deal with it. Work sucks. I guess the groundhog is worse off.

  6. Errk! Dogs are such revolting creatures, aren't they? Can't help but love them though.

  7. Okay, must REALLY suck to rather be dealing with a mutilated groundhog foot. Sorry it's so bad. You are right, though - look for that silver lining - you aren't the groundhog.

  8. Hey, that dealing with that ought to gain you some "sorry I haven't cleaned the litter box lately" points.


What say you?