Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sperminator 2: Genetic Boogaloo

Well, the deed is done and the reproduction rave has begun anew.

The doctor (a different one from last month, but still not my doc) said the sperm looked great - 10 million after the wash (they like to see at least 5 million) - and that my cervix also looked great.

The whole cervix thing is really not so relevant for an intrauterine insemination, especially when we've already confirmed the timing with ultrasound and bloodwork, but it's still something a girl likes to hear every now and then, you know.

I don't think I mentioned before, but yesterday's ultrasound showed my uterine lining at 15 mm - they like for it to be at least 10 mm.

So, it looks like all the ingredients are in place, now we just have to hope for the best.

Oh, and I'm sure you're all wondering how to properly refer to the little hypothetical being.

We'd yet to decide on a catchy "Z the Zygote" name this time around and I was all ready to set up a poll here to let my "fans" decide - until this afternoon.

When we'd finished at the doctor's office, we decided to get a bit of lunch. As we were looking for a parking space, Shrike said, to my tummy, "Now, listen, little Could-Be Baby - we don't ever have to come eat here again."

(She was afraid the God-awful parking situation would scare it away.)

Hmmm, Could-Be Baby . . . it doesn't quite have the same "zing" as Zippy, but I like it.

So, please keep your fingers crossed and send all the good mojo you've got, for little Coodby to get made - and then to stick!


  1. Coodby--love it! Oh boy, now the TWW...good luck!!

  2. Coodby - I will buy you all kinds of neat stuff and I will let you do things your mama won't if you just never make me go to that awful town again.

  3. Shrike - you're hilarious. And fingers crossed that Coodby becomes Willby!!!

  4. Thanks roro, although, don't tell Coodby, but I am probably going to do that stuff anyway.

  5. And of course, key to never having to go back there (it's really not the town that's awful, just that one strip center full of hip luncheries at 12:30 on a weekday) is Coodby sticking, so that there are no more sperminations required.

  6. I like Coodby, very cool. Get busy Coodby, we're anxious to meet ya'!

  7. Biggest disappointment of my last IUI? Not being told ANYTHING about the wonders of my cervix!

  8. Crossing my fingers. Come on Coodby, we're rooting for you!!!!

  9. Ok- that works!

    You know I don't believe I have EVER had a compliment about my cervix! I wonder if it's fat...

  10. Does this cervix make me look fat?


What say you?