Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tooth Time

Peeper's having her teeth filled tomorrow morning, under general anesthesia. So far, I've been just kind of ignoring it, but I guess it's a little late for that now.

We're officially 24 minutes into her no-solid-foods period, although she is allowed to nurse until 5:30 am. (Yay for breastfeeding!)

If she ever settles down and goes the hell to sleep, our plan is to set the clock for 5 am, get ourselves dressed quickly, then get her up and into a clean diaper (we're letting her stay in her jammies) and all goodied up until 5:30, at which point we'll move car-ward, and try to get on the road well before 6 am, because the hospital is about an hour and a half away, and we're suppose to arrive by 7:30.

Her procedure is scheduled for 9:30, and it sounds like they'll keep us pretty busy during that two hours, meeting the dentist and anesthesiologist, and so forth.

They will give her some sort of sedative before we move into the operating room, and one or both of  us will get to go in with her, until they've got her anesthetized, then we'll be with her when she wakes up.

I've told her what to expect so many times she'll probably be as glad as we are to get it over with, just so I'll shut up about it.

We're really not too concerned, given that she did fine with the anesthesia for her open-heart surgery, and that this is so not open-heart surgery, but we're starting to get a little nervous at this point, and I can imagine we'll be much worse-off by morning.

Or, maybe we'll be so damn tired that we'll just go take a nap while she's taking hers.

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