Friday, December 12, 2008

Daily Peep: Rattle

Can you hear me now?


  1. Did she like the rattle or was it just stuck in her hand? She looks interested.

  2. I stuck it in her hand, like you told me to.

    (And she promptly bonked herself in the face with it. But it didn't seem to bother her.)

    She hung onto it for a while. I couldn't really tell if she cared, though.

    When she's getting her diaper changed, she stares at the dots on the back of the changing table and the black/white bulletin board over it.

    I think she may be starting to reach for them.

    I need to get the baby gym (or whatever it's called) up from the basement and see how she likes it.

    Or rig up some toys to hang from the canopy of her bassinet.

  3. LOL! I did that with Deion and rattles when he was a baby.. and after a while he realized that 'Hey, if i move my hand and this thing in it like THIS then it makes THAT noise! Alright!!!' LOL When he could actually grab he graduated to those annoy..err.. lovely squeaky toy things. Yeah.

  4. Dionsmon describes the learning process perfectly. I love the very brief period where they reach with hands or feet indescriminately, but in a couple of days figure out that hey, these things on my arms work better than these things on my legs, and switch totally to "hand reaching". I don't expect her to reach on her own yet, but good to be prepared and have the "reachables" ready and waiting.

  5. She is fattening up a little, don't you think?


What say you?