Friday, August 29, 2008

More About MamaCat

I just got off the phone with the vet, and have a bit more information about MamaCat.

To recap and summarize:

Her kidney functions were all normal yesterday, and her urine was "beautiful."

(Obviously, they did not to a sniff test.)

Her red blood cell, platelet and over-all white blood cell counts were all normal, but her eosinophil (a kind of white blood cells) levels were elevated.

The high end of normal is 0.79; in June hers was 1.22 and yesterday it was 1.21. This is not real high, but certainly worth looking into.

The most common things that would indicate are parasites or allergies, but she shows no other signs of either, and is unlikely, as an indoor kitty, to have an opportunity to pick up parasites.

It can also be an indication of some cancers of the spleen or liver, and the weightloss makes her worry about that, but she did not feel any lumps or masses when she examined her.

She okayed the kitten food, and we can supplement with chicken, hamburger, cheese, canned cat food or other things like that if we'd like, in moderation.

(Kitten food is pretty high protein and can be tough on the kidneys, but since hers are working just fine, it shouldn't be a problem.)

We'll take her back in for a weight check in about a month (and the others, as well) and if she's still losing, then we'll look at doing some xrays to look for a tumor hiding in the liver or spleen.

She would probably check her thyroid levels at that point, too, even though that was normal back in June, just to be sure.

So, no real new information there, but she did reassure me, in that she doesn't think we should rush to xrays and such right now, and she didn't sound especially worried.

I'll feel better when we're able to get some weight on her, though.

Looks like she's going to be eating better than any of the rest of us for a while!


  1. Good luck Mama Cat! Did boy cat get weighed? And does either political party want to include pet health insurance in their platform?

  2. Thanks.

    We've actually looked into some different pet health insurance programs that do exist, but the premiums to cover routine stuff are more than it's worth paying.

    Too bad we can't just tack them on as dependents on our policies . . . .

  3. Oh, forgot to say. No, BoyCat didn't get officially weighed in, because he hid out when we were getting them loaded up.

    I've weighed him on the people scale with me a couple of times, and he seems to be holding steady, more or less.


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