Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nuchal Translucency Scan

As you can see from the photos, things went great at our visit with the perinatologist this morning.

First, we met with a genetic counselor, who explained all about the first trimester screening, which includes the nuchal translucency scan and a blood test (finger stick - ow!) for a couple of proteins.

Together, these tests can screen for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome, Trisomy-13, Trisomy-18 as well as some other, non-chromosomal defects.

We'll have the blood test back in about a week or so, at which point they'll give us the odds of Peeper having any of those issues.

Of course, the PGD (preimplantation genetic testing) has already given us a 90% assurancy that all is well, chromosomally-speaking, but this additional look-see certainly won't hurt.

We also went over some of Shrike's family history (nothing stands out as a concern) and they looked over Popeye's profile (of course, he's already been screened for anything of a genetic concern).

Then we had the ultrasound itself, which was pretty extensive.

We saw some great full-body views of Peeper dancing around in there, which was really cool to see, although I think might have been a bit frustrating for the ultrasound tech.

At least three or four times, just as she got all set with a profile view of the head/chest, and was about to measure the nuchal fold, s/he turned around to face the other way.

I told Shrike, "There's no doubt that's your kid - s/he's saying 'Stop looking at me!'"

She finally got the measurements she needed (Greater than 3 mm, I think, is a red flag. Peeper's is 1.2 mm, so that's great!) as well as close-ups that showed us both hands, both feet, the brain, stomach, bladder and umbilical cord, all present and accounted for.

Then we talked with the perinatologist himself for quite a while, about the testing, and family history, and my personal medical history.

He wants me to get a 24-hour urine and some other blood/urine work done, just to have a baseline of my kidney functions, to keep an eye on that, and will see me every few weeks until (I think) 32 weeks, at which point he wants to see me weekly.

Our next visit will be on June 25, at which point I'll be 18 weeks pregnant, and we should be able to find out the sex, unless Peeper is being shy and hiding his/her stuff.

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