Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sperminator 4.1: The Peanuts!

That's our nom di utero for this cycle. We're going with the plural for the moment, given the two - or possibly three - eggs that should be dropping right about now, but we'll be plenty happy to end up with just one little Peanut.

We had a bit of stress on the way to our appointment, but it all worked out okay.

Shrike's parents had invited us to stop by and visit with them and her grandparents on our way, so we figured we'd leave here around 10 am.

At 10 til 10, her mom called to check in with us - and woke us up. Oops.

We got over there around 11 am, and it turned out that the grandparents had gone somewhere with friends, so we just visited with her parents, while they worked on installing a rail on the front steps.

At 11:30, the alarm on my phone buzzed, telling me that it was time to call the andrology lab at the doctor's office, to tell them we're on the way and it's time to thaw and wash the sperm.

It being Saturday, though, I kept getting voice mail. Around noon, I decided to select the "medical emergency, doctor's answering service" menu option and finally got to talk to a human.

Now, I understand that the answering service has a list of questions to ask any patient that calls, but they really ought to tell them that when someone says "I've got an IUI scheduled today, and I'm calling for a thaw and wash," they really don't have to ask, "Are you pregnant?"

"Um, no. That would be the whole point."

When we got there, I asked what to do tomorrow, and they gave me the "back number" so I can skip past the voicemail system.

The insemination itself went fine, not even any crampiness when the catheter when through my cervix (sometimes that part's not so fun).

We had yet another different doctor this time; a woman that we'd not met before. I think tomorrow is still another one - a man this time.

On the way home, we were going to stop off at Oktoberfest in OldWorkTown, but that just wasn't meant to be. We exited, followed some signs, and found ourselves back on the interstate.

Shrike said, "Well, nevermind, let's just go home."

About five minutes later, we spotted a sign that indicated we were headed away from home!

We took that as a sign to try again, but I think we misinterpretted it.

On the way back, to OldWorkTown, I dozed off, and when we got there, we tried again, but we couldn't find the place we were looking for.

Well, Shrike couldn't find it and I was being ever so useful - by snoozing away in the passenger seat - so we blew that off and came home.

Now we're home, I'm semi-rested, we've walked the doggies and we're trying to decide where to go for dinner.

I don't know what the plan is for the rest of the evening, but it seems like we ought to do something special. We'll start with dinner and see where it goes from there.

1 comment:

  1. Kiddo #2 suggests that individual Peanuts might be referred to as Charlie, Lucy, Linus, Patty...


What say you?