Friday, September 21, 2007

Here We Go Again

Well, we're back in the "two-week-wait."

Drinking water instead of wine with dinner, protecting my groin from the galloping Galoot, shoving prometrium you-know-where, and wondering.

Soon I'll start with the searching for symptoms and the daily stick-peeing.

(Which reminds me - I need to make a trip to the Dollar Store to stock up!)

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this routine of living in two week increments. It's a bit disorienting.

You wouldn't think that two weeks would be long enough to get so used to doing things one way, but it is, so it's wierd to keep changing back-and-forth.

I guess I am kind of getting used to it, though. The first time around, I was completely freaked out by the idea that a - there was sperm in me! and b - I could be pregnant.

Ok, I'm still kind of freaked out (and still a little sad) about the idea that, for a few days that first cycle, I technically was pregnant.

The second cycle, it was a bit less wierd, and this time it's, well, I won't say that it's not wierd - especially the possibility of being pregnant - but it's much less wierd.

I don't know if it's just a matter of getting used to it, or if it's because all that freaking out the first two times was for naught, so why bother getting freaked?

But, that said, I am no less obsessed with counting and recounting, "If this works, I will be X weeks pregnant by Y date," and I'm sure that soon I will be no less obsessed with testing and groping my boobs to see if they're sore.

Now, though, I guess the part that's hard to believe is that maybe things will turn out differently this time.

I know it's only the third try, and a lot of people get lucky right about now, but it's hard to really grasp that it could actually happen.

On the other hand, though, for some reason, I have a good feeling about this time around.

(Does that even make sense?)

No reason, I just do - to the extent that can I fathom this working, ever, I feel good about our chances this cycle.

Now, if we could just fast-forward through the next two weeks, so we can find out!


  1. I really do hope this works! I think I am almost excited as you guys!

  2. Good luck to you, ladies! I'll keep you in my thoughts.


  3. No kidding--the waiting is awful! Good luck this month--we are thinking of ya!

  4. I wish the best of luck for you two!

    On a completely unrelated note, did you know that your DNC link in your sidebar actually goes to a GOP site? I'm guessing this is accidental :)


  5. DC - Thanks, and oh my God! thanks for noticing the problem with the link.

    You know what happened? I typoed the URL, and spelled it as ""

    I guess it shouldn't surprise me that the "Swiftboat Vets" are using that url.

    Speaking of rats . . . .


What say you?