Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mammary Manipulation

Although I know damn well that anything remotely symptomatic that I might be feeling is as likely (or more) to be caused by the prometrium as by Coodby, that doesn't stop me from obsessing about every twitch and twinge.

Over the past couple of days, I've been trying to decide whether my boobs are a little tender, and whether they might be any larger or heavier.

This, of course, requires much groping, squeezing, poking and hefting.

I've occassionally sought a second opinion (at which times, Shrike's been more than happy to oblige) but mostly, I'm on my own. I'm trying to remember to be discreet.

I'm just about decided that I can't decide if there's any visible difference, but they almost definitely seem to be a bit tender.

On the other hand, maybe they're just sore from all the man-handling.


  1. More like woman-handled.

  2. Hey, I was coming to comment the same thing. ROFL

  3. OMG I do the same thing! I was even thinking I would take a picture of them in their normal state, so I can compare them to my TWW state to see if they've grown. But if I did that my honey's eyes would roll so hard she'd pull a muscle.

  4. Shrike / LiPA -
    I stand corrected. My boobs haven't been MAN-handled in years!

    One -
    lol, that photo thing is a great idea!


What say you?