Friday, August 24, 2007

Fun With Progesterone

Maybe it's just the waiting up til all hours for Shrike to get home, then getting up and going to work in the morning that's getting to me, but I suspect that the progesterone is kicking in again, because I'm having hell staying awake.

On my way home today, I stopped to visit with Shrike and with thirty minutes left in her lunch break, I wimped out and left, because I was ready to lay down and go to bed.

A fairly interesting audiobook kept me alert on the road, but as soon as I got home, checked my email and settled in, I lay down on the couch to watch some tv.

Mistake. I dozed off around 7:30 or 8, and woke up a little while ago - after 11. Whoops.

I hope Shrike is up for some conversation when she gets home in a little while.

On the other hand, I may be ready to go right back to sleep by then.

I'm blaming it on the prometrium (progesterone supplements) and fully expect the other side effects that I seem to have experienced on it last cycle to kick in any minute.

How's that for a potentially self-fulfilling prophesy?

I shouldn't complain at all about it, because it's so important in maintaining an early pregnancy, and it could make all the difference in how little Coodby fairs, but it's not exactly number one on my list of fun things to do for two weeks.

Basically, all those early pregnancy symptoms that those of us in the two-week-wait are anxiously looking for (which, of course, are pretty much the same as PMS symptoms) are caused by progesterone.

Which means that, regardless of how Coodby's doing, I can expect to experience them, at least to some degree.

Last cycle, that meant sleepiness, grumpiness, maybe some smell sensitivity, a general lack of mental clarity and possibly, some boob issues.

(Hard to tell about the boobs, after the kind of weightloss that I've had. Let's just say that there's a lot of room for enhancement before I'm likely to experience visible effects, or much in the way of soreness.)

Those things are, of course, big fun, in and of themselves, but because the progesterone is likely to cause them no matter what, there's the added bonus that you can't depend on symptoms to actually be symptomatic of anything.

(On the other hand, at least a bit of what I experienced last cycle could possibly been caused by Zippy's brief existence, as well.)

And then, there's the actual taking of the stuff. As Shrike alluded to in her comments on Wednesday, the prometrium is a vaginal suppository.

In other words, I basically shove a gel cap up my twat twice a day.

(That's the phrase that she was trying to trick me into saying. So, there you go, honey. I'll send the Google perverts to you.)

Now, to be honest, the shoving up part's not so bad. It's what happens next that I could live without.

I believe it was Sir Isaac Newton's wife who first noted that "What goes up, must come dripping back down over the course of the day."

So, that's a lot of fun.

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