Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Legal Again

My drivers license expired on May 12, the day after my birthday. For two and a half months, I've been putting off renewing it because, well, I really don't quite know why.

My various excuses have included "I don't know when they are open" and "I don't have time before work" and "It takes soooo loooong."

Before we went to Texas in early July, Shrike convinced me that I should at least pay for the new license online, so I could get the temporary paper to make it legal, in case I got hassled at the airport for it being expired.

(Oh, yeah, and looking nothing like me, because I've lost 200 lbs since the photo was taken.)

I did that, and shortly after we got home, I received the camera card to take to the photo license center.

I've still been putting it off, even after the (out-of-)state trooper who stopped me the other day pointed out that the temporary license had expired on July 15 (but did not ticket me for that - just for speeding).

Finally, I decided I'd better deal with it.

I opened the envelope with the camera card and found out that there's also a paper in there with the days and times that every photo license center in the state (one per county) is open. Oh.

They open at 8:30 am. I needed to be on the road to work by 9:30 this morning, so I figured if I got there right when they opened, I might be okay.

I ended up getting there more like 8:45, but as it turned out there was no line at all.

I literally walked right up to the counter, gave the guy my card and old license, answered a few questions on the computer (English, please. Organ donor - yes. Change voter registration - hell, no.) and smiled pretty for the camera.

The only waiting I did was while the license was actually being printed. I was in and out in under ten minutes.

I waited two and a half months for that?

What a dumb ass.

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