Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday Special #16: Vacation Preferences

  1. Traveling by Air, Sea or Land?
    Land, if it's less than five or six hours. Air if it's farther and we can afford it.
  2. Hotel, Camp Grounds or Summer Cottage?
    I enjoy camping, but prefer that be the destination itself if I'm going to do that. Although, we've staying in a cabin at a campground near the beach, and that was nice. If I'm going to all the work to tent camp though, I don't want to have to clean up and go into town. Hotels are just fine, but I've also enjoyed when we've stayed at B&Bs a couple of times. We've never really done a "summer cottage" type of thing.
  3. Sightseeing, Weather Related Sports or Relaxing?:
    I prefer sightseeing and relaxing. Just hanging out, wandering around, shopping (in funky, arty shops or touristy places - not things I could do at home) and the like.
  4. Favorite vacation season?
    For popular destinations, it's nice to go at the tail end of the season, when it's not so crowded. For example, we prefer to go to the beach in early fall, after school starts and it's a little cooler, but still warm enough to swim. But not in February, when it's freezing and nothing is open.

Learn more about the Saturday Special.

1 comment:

  1. #2-Hey you did do the beach cabin thing several times as a kid...


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