Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Rules: More Information

I got some clarification today about the soy and artificial sweeteners.

To recap, here's what I was told on Monday:

Artificial sweeteners should not be use, so if you're going to use them, do so sparingly. Soy products should not be use around the time of implantation, so wait a couple of months, but they're ok once you're pregnant."
So, am I crazy to be concerned about the fact that everything in the world has some sort of soy in it, and to want more information? Am I just totally neurotic?

Here's what I found out today, though. First, from my nurse:

Whozat! You are going to worry yourself sick!!!!!!
[No kidding!]

I honestly don't have anymore info than what Dr. E gave me -I've never heard much info about either the soy or the sweeteners. I have e-mailed Dr. E and asked her what her take is on everything you asked. I also asked her if she could recommend something legit for you to read.

In general, we recommend the following: Do not take any herbs until you speak with your OB, caffeine should be limited to nor more than one cup aday (one cup of coffee or tea or soft drink), deli meats and unpasteurized cheeses (such as Brie, and any fish containing mercury should be limited (i.e. Tuna).

Stop looking at the internet for information.
[She's right about that one, too!]

If you are truly concerned,maybe you could call your OB/GYN and see if they have a list of things thatshould be avoided. I believe the rule of thumb is to just do things in moderation (meaning everything in your diet all day long should not contain artificial sweeteners, however a soda or a yogurt with them will not harm your baby). Along with that keep in mind the above mentioned things to avoid.

I will get back to you soon with the info Dr. E gives me. Have a
great day!!!!!
Later, she forwarded me an email from Dr. E:

As far as soy products I'm talking about large amounts of tofu and soy
milk -moderate amounts like one cup a day or tofu in a meal are OK - just don't overdo it. As far as soybean oil and soy lecithin should be OK. As far as the artificial sweeteners, saccharin is a no no, aspartame no no. I'm OK with the sucralose.

Much better! I think I will stay away from my "soysages" for now, until we're past the impantation time frame, but I guess it's safe to eat things from boxes, after all!.


1 comment:

  1. Back in my day... it was just no caffine and no alcohol. I used sacharine all the time. That's why your niece and nephew have three heads each. Ummm... what DOES it do, give them ADHD???


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