Friday, June 15, 2007

Update, Schmupdate

Warning: Once again, this post contains more information than anyone needs to have about my reproductive system.

In other words, no news is no news.

No news, no surge, no nothin' yet.

Well, that's not totally true, I did have some wierd spotting on Wednesday. I've never spotted mid-cycle, so I wasn't even sure, until I checked with Dr. Google, that it could be a sign of ovulation.

However, with no visible LH surge, Dr. B didn't trust it as a sure enough sign, so did not want to inseminate on Thursday.

She's now out of town for the weekend, so I'm hoping that was just a fluke, and I'll see a surge Sunday and ovulate Monday, when she's back in town.

Ha ha ha.

That said, her office has made arrangements for FedEx to pick up the "gentleman callers" late Monday and take them back to their freezer until next month, and I've got an appointment with the RE on Wednesday to discuss the plan for next cycle.

One plus did come of the false alarm on Wednesday / Thursday. Because of logistics at work, I felt the need to go ahead and tell ED1 about the plans. She's ED2's sister, remember, so she was there for all her in vitro adventures.

She's totally supportive, as well. In fact, when I first said "I'm about to start trying to get pregnant," she said "Oh! You're going to make me cry!"

Then she had tons of questions about exactly how it all works, how we selected the donor finalists, and so on. I was really enjoying the chat (if someone's willing to listen, I'm more than willing to talk) but we, unfortunately, we were interupted by an appointment arriving that I had to deal with.

Of course, that was after we'd already been interupted by Dr. B's office calling to say that she didn't think we ought to try that day.

"Oh, well, never mind to all that stuff I just said about how I might need to leave early."

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