Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday Special #6: Time Tells All

Hmm, this fill-in-the-blank Saturday Special is a bit tricky for me, because given that I've just started the new job, the things that I've "usually" been doing at these times for the past several months are way different from what I've done thisweek, and what I'll be doing for the foreseeable future.

So, I'll do two sets of answers: before starting the job and since starting the job.

Before I Started My New Job . . .
  1. It's 9:00 AM Sunday & I'm usually sleeping at this time.
  2. It's Noon on Monday & I'm usually walking the dogs with Shrike at this time.
  3. It's 8:00 PM Wednesday & I'm usually blogging at this time.
  4. It's 5:30 PM Friday & I'm usually blogging at this time.
Since I've Started My New Job . . .
  1. It's 9:00 AM Sunday & I'm usually sleeping at this time.
  2. It's Noon on Monday & I'm usually at work, about to have lunch at this time.
  3. It's 8:00 PM Wednesday & I'm usually about to leave work at this time.
  4. It's 5:30 PM Friday & I'm usually driving home at this time.
Learn more about the Saturday Special.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Slow down the excitement! It's right up there with mine!


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