Monday, April 16, 2007

A Blue Rose By Any Other Name . . .

I've mentioned before that Shrike was getting squicked out by my constant references to sperm, so we decided that we should find a euphemism for it / them.

For a while there, we were talking about "baby juice," but she's decided that's even worse, because it sounds like someone has done something truly awful to a baby. (She makes a valid point.)

So, her most recent suggestion is that we refer to them as "gentleman callers."

It does have a certain Victorian charm to it.

You got a better suggestion?

For Extra Credit: Identify the literary allusion.


  1. Right off the top of my head- 'the stuff'. will think about it and get back to you...

  2. I really like Gentlemen callers. Juice and stuf sound too much like those ugly locker room words

  3. Good point. I was thinking "swimmers" or something, but "gentleman callers," well, it's certainly unique!

  4. "gentleman callers"- just sounds weird considering the circumstances. You know, 'Making babies without boys'. But hey, it your 'donor gunk'-call it Frank for all I care.
    Oh- I got it- call it 'Blue Eyes' or 'Tax deduction', 'Little Tax Deduction', 'Future Tax...

  5. Toni does make a good point, I suppose.

    For the moment, though, it's "Gentlemen - ha ha ha - Callers - hee hee hee."

    It's rather hard to be serious about that particular euphemism, but it's entertaining.

    Shrike also likes "swimmies."

  6. G-swimmies??
    I need another hobby, eh??


What say you?