Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jumping the Gun?

The CountyShopper is advertising a 3-year-old (but barely used, because they actually ended up co-sleeping) crib / toddler bed, just like the one pictured here, for $75.

We are of a variety of minds about it:

  1. It's a heck of a deal.
  2. Would we "jinx ourselves" by buying before we're pregant?
  3. It would be very hard if things didn't work out and we had to get rid of stuff we never got to use.
  4. Another baby might need it now.
  5. It's a heck of a deal.
Yeah, it's probably a dumb idea. But it's a heck of a deal.


  1. If you want it, get it! It is a GREAT deal! If you 'jinx' yourself, BigGaloot can sleep in it!

  2. Update: Shrike's sister is pretty sure she knows where to find all the parts to her crib/toddler bed and has offered it to us, when the time comes!

  3. You will need a baby bed, but I have to tell you, a family bed is a great thing. Ours slept with us for a couple of years.

  4. Oh yeah, we know the crib will be pretty much just for show. We have all intentions of the kid being in bed with us.

    If, for no other reason, it will make nighttime nursing like a zillion times easier.

    On the other hand, after having lost about 200 lbs, we joke that we don't have to cosleep, I can just stretch my boob across the hall to the baby's room!


What say you?