Sunday, May 20, 2007


I've got a "naked" appointment with my OB/Gyn tomorrow, where I hope we'll be doing the last of my preconception testing!

Here are the highlights from the two pages of questions that I've printed out to be sure and ask her about!

  1. What tests are we doing today, and when can we expect to find out the results?
  2. Do I need any other tests, or assuming no problems are discovered, can we inseminate in June?
  3. When will we know if we're trying in June, so we can order sperm?
  4. What’s the protocol for doing the ovulation predictor pee-sticks? When do I start testing? How often? Recommended brand of kit?
  5. Once I surge, when do we inseminate? How wide is the window of opportunity to inseminate?
  6. If I’ve not surged yet, but expect to soon, is it ok to drink Friday June 8? What if I’ve surged, but not inseminating until Saturday afternoon? (I'm going to a party that night. :-) )
  7. How long should we try this way before considering other options?


  1. I got pregnant with both of mine drunk- so I am pretty sure your uterus will work the same way! ;)

  2. lol - good point. In fact, I was just saying to Shrike earlier, that it would probably be no different than if I were making it the "old fashioned way" with a bottle of wine and some Johnny Mathis ;-)

    On the other hand, I do want to follow the "rules" as best as I can. No sense taking unecessary risks!


What say you?